import time import os import json import pymongo import requests import schedule from groq import Groq from datetime import datetime, timedelta print(" _____ _ _ _____ ") print(" / ____| \ | |/ ____|") print(" | (___ | \| | |") print(" \___ \| | |") print(" ____) | |\ | |____") print(" |_____/|_| \_|\_____|") # Load config print("Loading config...") if os.path.exists('config.json') == False: print("Config file not found, Creating...") exec(open('').read()) with open('config.json') as f: config = json.load(f) print("Config loaded!") mongo_url = f"mongodb://{config['mongo']['host']}:{config['mongo']['port']}/" mongo_db = config['mongo']['db'] weather_url = f"{config['weather']['city']}&appid={config['weather']['api_key']}&units=metric" news_url = f"{config['news']['country']}&apiKey={config['news']['api_key']}" groq_key = config['groq']['api_key'] # Connect to MongoDB print("Connecting to MongoDB...") client = pymongo.MongoClient(mongo_url) db = client[mongo_db] print("Connected to MongoDB!") # Create collections if they dont exist def create_collections(): collections = ['weather', 'newsfeed'] for collection in collections: if collection not in db.list_collection_names(): db.create_collection(collection) print(f"Created collection {collection}") # Get weather data def get_weather(): print("Getting weather data...") response = requests.get(weather_url) data = response.json() response = {} response['location'] = data['name'] temp = data['main']['temp'] temp = round(temp * 2 + 0.5) / 2 response['temperature'] = str(temp) + "°C" response['humidity'] = str(data['main']['humidity']) + "%" response['status'] = data['weather'][0]['description'].capitalize() windspeed = data['wind']['speed'] if windspeed < 2: response['wind'] = "Calm" elif windspeed < 5: response['wind'] = "Light Breeze" elif windspeed < 11: response['wind'] = "Gentle breeze" elif windspeed < 17: response['wind'] = "Moderate breeze" elif windspeed < 23: response['wind'] = "Strong breeze" elif windspeed < 30: response['wind'] = "High winds" elif windspeed < 49: response['wind'] = "Gale force winds" else: response['wind'] = "Storm" if data['visibility'] < 6000: response['fog'] = "true" response['icon'] = f"{data['weather'][0]['icon']}@2x.png" print("Weather data retrieved!") return response # Write weather data to MongoDB def write_weather(): print("Writing weather data to MongoDB...") weather = get_weather() weather['timestamp'] ={}, weather, upsert=True) print("Weather data written to MongoDB!") # Get newsfeed data def get_newsfeed(category='general'): print(f"Getting {category} newsfeed data...") url = news_url + f"&category={category}" response = requests.get(url) data = response.json() articles = [] for article in data['articles']: article_data = {} article_data['title'] = article['title'] article_data['url'] = article['url'] article_data['author'] = article['author'] article_data['category'] = category article_data['timestamp'] = articles.append(article_data) print("Newsfeed data retrieved!") return articles # Get most interesting news articles with AI def get_interesting_news(articles): print("Getting interesting news...") interesting_articles = [] try: client = Groq(api_key=groq_key) completion = model="gemma-7b-it", messages=[ { "role": "system", "content": "You will be given an array of json elements, please provide the 3 indexes of the most interesting, important and notable news headlines that a mid-twenties person would like to read in the following format: {\"most_interesting\": {\"index\": index,\"title\": title},\"second_most_interesting\": {\"index\": index,\"title\": title},\"third_most_interesting\": {\"index\": index,\"title\": title}}" }, { "role": "user", "content": str(articles) } ], temperature=1.3, max_tokens=1024, top_p=1, stream=False, response_format={"type": "json_object"}, stop=None, ) response = str(completion.choices[0].message.content) response = response.replace("\n", " ") response = json.loads(response) except Exception as e: # If ai doesnt return a valid response, check anyway, if not use the first 3 articles try: response = e response = response[18:] response = json.loads(response) response = response['error']['failed_generation'] response = response.replace("\n", " ") response = json.loads(response) except: print("Error selecting articles! Using random selection...") response = { "most_interesting": { "index": 0, "title": "Interesting" }, "second_most_interesting": { "index": 1, "title": "Interesting" }, "third_most_interesting": { "index": 2, "title": "Interesting" } } selected_articles = [] article_index = [0, 1, 2] try: article_index[0] = response['most_interesting']['index'] article_index[1] = response['second_most_interesting']['index'] article_index[2] = response['third_most_interesting']['index'] print("Selected articles:" + str(article_index)) except Exception as e: print(e) article_index = [0, 1, 2] print("Using default article selection...") for i in article_index: article = articles[i] selected_article = {} selected_article['title'] = article['title'] selected_article['author'] = article['author'] selected_article['url'] = article['url'] selected_article['category'] = article['category'] selected_article['timestamp'] = selected_articles.append(selected_article) print("Interesting news retrieved!") return selected_articles # Write newsfeed data to MongoDB def write_newsfeed(articles): print("Writing newsfeed data to MongoDB...") for article in articles: db.newsfeed.replace_one({'url': article['url']}, article, upsert=True) print("Newsfeed data written to MongoDB!") # Get articles from all newsfeeds def get_all_news(): print("Getting all news articles...") write_newsfeed(get_interesting_news(get_newsfeed("technology"))) write_newsfeed(get_interesting_news(get_newsfeed("science"))) # Delete all old news articles def delete_old_news(): print("Deleting old news articles...") hrs = int(config['news']['article_lifetime']) db.newsfeed.delete_many({'timestamp': {'$lt': - timedelta(hours=1) }}) print("Old news articles deleted!") # Main script create_collections() schedule.every(5) schedule.every(int(config['news']['article_interval'])) schedule.every(1) write_weather() get_all_news() delete_old_news() while True: schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(1)