import time import os import json import pymongo import requests import schedule import re from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from groq import Groq from datetime import datetime, timedelta print(" _____ _ _ _____ ") print(" / ____| \ | |/ ____|") print(" | (___ | \| | |") print(" \___ \| | |") print(" ____) | |\ | |____") print(" |_____/|_| \_|\_____|") # Load config print("Loading config...") if os.path.exists('config.json') == False: print("Config file not found, Creating...") config = { "mongo" : { "host" : "localhost", "port" : 27017, "db" : "notoric-snc" }, "groq" : { "api_key" : "" }, "weather" : { "api_key" : "", "city" : "london,uk" }, "news" : { "api_key" : "", "country" : "gb", "article_lifetime": 6, "article_interval": 1 }, "pixabay" : { "api_key" : "" } } with open('config.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(config, f) print("Config file created! Please fill in the details in config.json before running the script again.") exit() with open('config.json') as f: config = json.load(f) print("Config loaded!") mongo_url = f"mongodb://{config['mongo']['host']}:{config['mongo']['port']}/" mongo_db = config['mongo']['db'] weather_url = f"{config['weather']['city']}&appid={config['weather']['api_key']}&units=metric" news_url = f"{config['news']['country']}&apiKey={config['news']['api_key']}" groq_key = config['groq']['api_key'] pixabayApiKey = config['pixabay']['api_key'] # Connect to MongoDB print("Connecting to MongoDB...") client = pymongo.MongoClient(mongo_url) db = client[mongo_db] print("Connected to MongoDB!") # Create collections if they dont exist def create_collections(): collections = ['weather', 'newsfeed'] for collection in collections: if collection not in db.list_collection_names(): db.create_collection(collection) print(f"Created collection {collection}") # Get weather data def get_weather(): print("Getting weather data...") response = requests.get(weather_url) data = response.json() response = {} response['location'] = data['name'] temp = data['main']['temp'] temp = round(temp * 2 + 0.5) / 2 response['temperature'] = str(temp) + "°C" response['humidity'] = str(data['main']['humidity']) + "%" response['status'] = data['weather'][0]['description'].capitalize() windspeed = data['wind']['speed'] if windspeed < 2: response['wind'] = "Calm" elif windspeed < 5: response['wind'] = "Light Breeze" elif windspeed < 11: response['wind'] = "Gentle breeze" elif windspeed < 17: response['wind'] = "Moderate breeze" elif windspeed < 23: response['wind'] = "Strong breeze" elif windspeed < 30: response['wind'] = "High winds" elif windspeed < 49: response['wind'] = "Gale force winds" else: response['wind'] = "Storm" if data['visibility'] < 6000: response['fog'] = "true" response['icon'] = f"{data['weather'][0]['icon']}@2x.png" summary = "" try: client = Groq(api_key=groq_key) completion = model="gemma-7b-it", messages=[ { "role": "system", "content": "You will be given data to represent the weather. Please respond with a weather report from the data as a radio announcer would read it out, Make sure the article is using spoken language and is easy to read and understand for everyone. Do NOT state the location OR the name of a radio station" }, { "role": "user", "content": str(response) } ], temperature=1.4, max_tokens=1024, top_p=1, stream=False, stop=None, ) summary = str(completion.choices[0].message.content) except Exception as e: print(e) response['summary'] = summary print("Weather data retrieved!") return response # Write weather data to MongoDB def write_weather(): print("Writing weather data to MongoDB...") weather = get_weather() weather['timestamp'] ={}, weather, upsert=True) print("Weather data written to MongoDB!") # Get newsfeed data def get_newsfeed(category='general'): print(f"Getting {category} newsfeed data...") url = news_url + f"&category={category}" response = requests.get(url) data = response.json() articles = [] for article in data['articles']: article_data = {} article_data['title'] = article['title'] article_data['url'] = article['url'] article_data['author'] = article['author'] article_data['category'] = category article_data['timestamp'] = if (article['url'].find("") != -1): response = requests.get(article['url']) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') htmlarticle = soup.find('article') if htmlarticle != None: if len(htmlarticle.text.strip()) > 250: article_data['content'] = htmlarticle.text.strip() articles.append(article_data) print("Newsfeed data retrieved!") return articles # Get most interesting news articles with AI def get_interesting_news(articles): selected_articles = [] if len(articles) <= 3: print("Not enough articles to select from! Using all articles...") selected_articles = articles else: print("Getting interesting news...") try: client = Groq(api_key=groq_key) completion = model="gemma-7b-it", messages=[ { "role": "system", "content": "You will be given an array of json elements, please provide the 3 indexes of the most interesting, important and notable news headlines that a mid-twenties person would like to read in the following format: {\"most_interesting\": {\"index\": index,\"title\": title},\"second_most_interesting\": {\"index\": index,\"title\": title},\"third_most_interesting\": {\"index\": index,\"title\": title}}" }, { "role": "user", "content": str(articles) } ], temperature=1.3, max_tokens=1024, top_p=1, stream=False, response_format={"type": "json_object"}, stop=None, ) response = str(completion.choices[0].message.content) response = response.replace("\n", " ") response = json.loads(response) except Exception as e: # If ai doesnt return a valid response, check anyway, if not use the first 3 articles try: response = e response = response[18:] response = json.loads(response) response = response['error']['failed_generation'] response = response.replace("\n", " ") response = json.loads(response) except: print("Error selecting articles! Using random selection...") response = { "most_interesting": { "index": 0, "title": "Interesting" }, "second_most_interesting": { "index": 1, "title": "Interesting" }, "third_most_interesting": { "index": 2, "title": "Interesting" } } article_index = [0, 1, 2] try: article_index[0] = response['most_interesting']['index'] article_index[1] = response['second_most_interesting']['index'] article_index[2] = response['third_most_interesting']['index'] print("Selected articles:" + str(article_index)) except Exception as e: print(e) article_index = [0, 1, 2] print("Using default article selection...") for i in article_index: article = articles[i] selected_article = {} selected_article['title'] = article['title'] selected_article['author'] = article['author'] selected_article['url'] = article['url'] selected_article['category'] = article['category'] selected_article['timestamp'] = selected_article['content'] = article['content'] selected_articles.append(selected_article) print("Interesting news retrieved!") # Get image & summary for all selected articles print("Getting images and summaries for selected articles...") for article in selected_articles: img_keywords = "" try: client = Groq(api_key=groq_key) completion = model="gemma-7b-it", messages=[ { "role": "system", "content": "You will be given a title for an article, provide a few keywords (around 3 maximum) (please only use short, vague and common words) for an image that would match the article (less than 50 characters) in the following format: keyword1 keyword2 keyword3" }, { "role": "user", "content": article['title'] } ], temperature=0.5, max_tokens=1024, top_p=1, stream=False, stop=None, ) img_keywords = str(completion.choices[0].message.content) img_keywords = img_keywords[:99] except Exception as e: print("Could not get image keywords, using defaults...") img_keywords = article['category'] + " News article" try: image_response = requests.get(f"{img_keywords}&key={pixabayApiKey}&orientation=horizontal&per_page=3") image_data = image_response.json() article['image'] = image_data['hits'][0]['largeImageURL'] print("Image found!") except Exception as e: try: img_keywords = img_keywords.split(" ")[0] image_response = requests.get(f"{img_keywords}&key={pixabayApiKey}&orientation=horizontal&per_page=3") image_data = image_response.json() article['image'] = image_data['hits'][0]['largeImageURL'] print("Image found with shortened prompt!") except Exception as e: try: image_response = requests.get(f"{article['category']} news&key={pixabayApiKey}&orientation=horizontal&per_page=3") image_data = image_response.json() article['image'] = image_data['hits'][0]['largeImageURL'] print("Image found using category!") except Exception as e: article['image'] = "" summary = "" try: client = Groq(api_key=groq_key) completion = model="gemma-7b-it", messages=[ { "role": "system", "content": "You will be given the source code for a webpage. Please respond with a descriptive summary (around 100 words) of the articles content as a radio announcer would read it out, assuming i know nothing about the subject of the article you will need to provide context and your summary should work as a standalone article. Make sure the article is using spoken language and is easy to read and understand for everyone" }, { "role": "user", "content": article['content'] } ], temperature=1.4, max_tokens=1024, top_p=1, stream=False, stop=None, ) summary = str(completion.choices[0].message.content) except Exception as e: print(e) summary = "Read more about this article on the source website." article['summary'] = summary return selected_articles # Write newsfeed data to MongoDB def write_newsfeed(articles): print("Writing newsfeed data to MongoDB...") for article in articles: db.newsfeed.replace_one({'url': article['url']}, article, upsert=True) print("Newsfeed data written to MongoDB!") # Get articles from all newsfeeds def get_all_news(): print("Getting all news articles...") write_newsfeed(get_interesting_news(get_newsfeed("technology"))) write_newsfeed(get_interesting_news(get_newsfeed("science"))) # Delete all old news articles def delete_old_news(): print("Deleting old news articles...") db.newsfeed.delete_many({'timestamp': {'$lt': - timedelta(hours=config['news']['article_lifetime']) }}) print("Old news articles deleted!") # Main script create_collections() schedule.every(5) schedule.every(config['news']['article_interval']) schedule.every(1) write_weather() get_all_news() delete_old_news() while True: schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(1)