[![Review Assignment Due Date](https://classroom.github.com/assets/deadline-readme-button-24ddc0f5d75046c5622901739e7c5dd533143b0c8e959d652212380cedb1ea36.svg)](https://classroom.github.com/a/GGwkV7WK) # CTEC3905 Assignment This repository contains basic boilerplate code for you to get started with. You will need to replace the contents of these files with your own code. ## index.html The `index.html` file includes a basic template with a link to the `css/styles.css` file and a script tag after the main content which links to the `js/scripts.js` file. ## css/styles.css The `css/styles.css` file contains a basic starting template for a responsive page. ## js/scripts.js The `js/scripts.js` file contains a simple console.log statement to confirm that it is being executed. ## assets/photos All images inside `assets/photos` folder are from https://pixabay.com and used under the licence outlined here https://pixabay.com/service/terms/ All SVG Vectors are from https://www.svgrepo.com This application makes use of the PokeAPI, which can be found at https://pokeapi.co/